Wonder Wander

Research Proposal


For the 4th and final year at Massey University we undertake a full year project. The first part we research and construct a design proposal (Wonder Wander) to then lead into the second part of designing (Shining Light on Mary Jane). Researching through reading, writing, making, visualising and thinking. I have written mine to propose a space to facilitate curiosity. It explains many methods that could be used and why this idea is beneficial for the wider public.

Research proposal abstract:

This research dives into the unknown cloud of imaginative spatial design through a variety of conscious and subconscious creative processes.

 By exploring the illogic of the imaginary world and comparing it to the logic of the real world, we discover many tactics to facilitate making our wildest imaginations concrete reality.

 While researching the theory of how and why we dream and connecting it to examples of my own recordings of dreams, I can propose various reasons why we are so fascinated with dreams, and methods to effectually visualise these dreamscapes in real life.

 Discovering that pathways was a central component to dreams, I started to research this field. To identify the reasons why we are fascinated with paths, just like dreams, I conducted a few experiments. This included exploring labyrinths and the idea of the never-ending world. My results revealed key concepts on exploring and pathway decision making.

 Finally delving into speculative design. I discover multiple reasons why imagination is so important for the future development of this world. By testing my own speculative design processes and linking it to theorists, I can see the ideas of curiosity and discovery starting to emerge throughout this research.

 To open the mind of curiosity, we must open curiosity to the mind. The findings of this research allude to the idea we need more imaginative spaces to facilitate curiosity. Heading towards phase two of this research, I will propose: a space to rebel, a space to question, a space to wander, a space to wonder, a space to discover. 

If you want to see more about my research process visit my project blog or have a glance at my full research proposal